Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ava Danielle Kello-- our St. Patty's Day baby!!

It was 5:45 in the morning John was at work and I started shivering so hard!! I thought that something was seriously wrong with me! I decided to get up and take a shower! I kept telling myself that she cant come today we are going on a field trip at work that I had planned for the kids! John came home and I told him what was going on and he said that I COULD NOT go to work that I was in labor. Well the stubborn person that I am thought that there was no way that he was right. He didn't know- he had never had a baby before. So I proceeded to ask him to get the cooler out of the garage and he wouldn't because he was doing everything he could for me to stay home. So I went out to the garage myself, climbed up on the ladder and got the cooler. Mind you that I probably had had about 8 contractions while I was out there. They weren't painful so I didn't worry about them. I got the girls up and dressed and headed to my moms. I called work and told them that I was going to try and make it through the day but wasn't feeling very well. I dropped the girls off and looked at my mom and said "please keep your phone on you because I'm feeling weird." She just looked at me! I went to work and walked in the door and had to stop because my contractions where so bad on the way in. I walked back to my room and told Amber that I thought I was in labor. I will never ever forget the look on Mike ( now our best friends-who would have thought) faces. He had that "oh shit- what am I going to do look"!! I couldn't even get up from the table that I was sitting on! I decided I should probably call John and tell him that I was in labor and needed him to come and get me and yes he was STILL mad at me because I tried to go to work!! I guess I should have just listened to him! We when arrived at the doctor my contraction were about 6 minutes apart but weren't showing up on the monitor. The doctor said that I wasn't in active labor and they were going to send me home! John JUMPED up out of the chair and yelled "There is no way that I am taking her home." By this point I was crying and knew that today was the day! The nurse said that they would send me up to labor and delivery to "watch" me and would probably send me home! I got up to labor and delivery around noon and Ave entered this world 3:42 p.m. and weighed 6lbs 12 oz and was 20 inches long! Boy were they WRONG!!!! I kept thinking to myself if we would have went home like they told us that John would have delivered a baby on our living room floor but hey after all he knew that it was time so I'm sure he could have handled it!! Ava was another fantastic addition to our family!! She is such a sweet little girl and loves her Natnee and ZoZee SO much!!! She has definitely hit her terrible twos and has been able to scream this horrible high pitched scream since she was about 6 months old which so know irritates me to know end so she has it down to an art now!! She always lights up a room when she walks when with her beautiful little smile!! She will always be our little "Ava Baba"

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