Monday, September 19, 2011

WOW!!!! Its been WAY TOOOOO LONG!!!!!

I cant believe that I have let the blog go for this long when there has been sooooo much to chat about!!! Where to even start would be a HUGE question!! Lets start with the BIGGEST news-- WE ARE FINALLY GETTING OUR BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carter is due to join our little (well kinda big) family on Thanksgiving day!!!! What an AMAZING Thanksgiving present that will be!!! The girls are BEYOND excited!!!! They ask everyday when Carter will be here and when he's Birthday is!!!! They love to kiss "baby Carter!" John and I couldn't be happier. Now on to the little princess's!! Can we even believe that Zoey has started KINDERGARTEN and loves it. And to even think Natalie is already in 2nd grade blows my mind!!!! My little sweet Lulu turned 2 in June and is an absolute joy in our lives!!! And then there's Ava-- if you ever need a little laugh just talk to Ava and she is bound to say something funny!!!! I PROMISE to post some pictures later this evening or tomorrow!! Just a quick little recap on our ever growing family!!!!